Why Choose Alara Ridge?

  • Our CBD products are made by us from our own family’s industrial hemp that has been grown organically. We process the hemp ourselves into a premium, full-spectrum hemp extract which is used to make some of the finest quality hemp products you’ll find anywhere.
  • All baked goods are made with freshly milled organic grains.
  • All produce is grown using organic methods.  We do not use pesticides, herbicides, or any other chemicals on our vegetables or fruits.
  • All of our produce grown from non-GMO and organic seed whenever possible.
  • We are family-owned and family-operated.  Buying from us keeps your hard-earned dollars right here in Overton County and supports a family working hard to make this world just a little bit better.
  • You are supporting “the little guy”.  Buying your food and products locally is an impactful way for you to support the movement away from the industrial, commercial food industry back to sustainable food sourcing.  Much of the produce and products you buy at the grocery store was brought in from hundreds or thousands of miles away.  Food was picked long before its prime in order to still be viable when it reaches the store shelf.  That’s why it tastes so bland. Products grown organically on sustainable farms close to you are better for you and they just taste better. They’re picked at the height of their ripeness (and thus the height of their nutrition) which makes their flavor worlds beyond what you’ll get at the store.  And because it doesn’t have to be trucked across the country to you, it has a much lesser negative impact on the environment. When you buy from local farmers like us, you’re showing that you believe in the hard work we do to try to provide you nutritious food that is not laden with chemicals and toxins — so we ALL can be healthier!
  • There’s a saying that is very true – you either pay your farmer or you pay your doctor.  We live in one of the sickest industrial nations on the planet.  We have access to more food than used to be imaginable, yet we are sicker.  We have access to “health” care and we all know countless people who are sick with this or that chronic disease…in fact we might have to think really hard to come up with someone we know who is TRULY healthy. We have several theories about why that is, but one big one is this – food is medicine!  The more food you can eat as close to its original source, the better.  The less processed food you can eat, the better.  Your body is not designed to run on heavily sugared, preservative-laden, processed food.  It is designed to run on the fruits, vegetables, and meats that God created for us to nourish our bodies.  Buying from us gets you one big step closer to having a healthy, strong family!